North County Laser Eye Associates

BlephEx lash cam

Meet our latest technology: the BlephEx lash cam

San Diego blepharitis treatment

Millions of people suffer from blepharitis. This is a condition in which there is irritation of the eyelids along the lash line. Patients may experience redness of this area, along with flaking and crusting of the skin along the lash line. It can affect people of any age, but it gets more common after the age of 50.

Blepharitis can be a serious nuisance that impacts quality of life for sufferers. Fortunately, there are ways to help improve the symptoms. This is why we invested in the new BlephEx lash cam for our practice. This high tech device allows patients and eye doctors to view the eyelids at high magnification, so we can see whether you might benefit from the treatments that are available for blepharitis.

What is the lash cam?

The BlephEx lash cam is a specialized device that allows for an eye doctor and a patient to view the eyelids at high magnification. It creates images of your lash line at 80 times magnification. This allows you to see the bacteria and debris that have built up along the lash line and are causing your irritation and dry eye symptoms. The intention of the lash cam is to allow you to see for yourself what your eye doctor sees when they examine your eyes.

How does the lash cam work?

The lash cam transmits images instantly to a mobile device (iPhone or Android). This allows the patient to see exactly what the eye doctor sees, in real time. In patients with blepharitis, there will be a buildup of debris along the lash line. This buildup of material can lead to the symptoms that blepharitis patients may experience, such as:

What treatments are available?

For those who have significant debris and symptoms of blepharitis, a procedure known as microblepharoexfoliation (MBE) may help. This can be performed in the office in about ten minutes. During this procedure, the treating clinician uses a small handheld device to remove excess material from the eyelids and eyelashes. It’s a soft sponge on a rot The patient generally feels a slight tickling sensation, but the procedure is not painful.

Home hygiene is also important for those who suffer from blepharitis. Using special wipes, or baby shampoo with a soft washcloth, the patient should gently scrub the lash line daily to remove bacterial growth, oils, and dead skin cells. Although this can help to reduce the amount of buildup on the eyelids, home hygiene cannot remove all debris. This is why it’s helpful to have an MBE procedure about twice a year, in order to remove the buildup that your home routine can’t get. (It’s similar to having a professional cleaning of your teeth every six months, to remove bacterial growth from your teeth that your brushing and flossing routine misses.)

San Diego blepharitis treatment

Blepharitis can have an impact on your life, but treatment is available. If you have symptoms like dry eye, eye irritation, or itchy and red eyelids, then we recommend that you get an evaluation by an eye health professional. With the BlephEx lash cam, you’ll be able to see exactly what’s on your eyelids, so you know whether cleaning the eyelids would likely be helpful. If you have debris built up, then we can perform a cleaning treatment that could help to improve your symptoms and increase your comfort throughout the day. We will also teach you how to do home eyelid care, cleansing the eyelids regularly to help reduce the amount of buildup that happens on a daily basis. Contact our office to schedule an appointment and take advantage of the lash cam.

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