Covering the Cost of LASIK with FSAs

San Diego Laser Eye Surgery - North County Laser Eye Associates

10 08, 2014

Covering the Cost of LASIK with FSAs

Are you interested in bidding farewell to your glasses or contact lenses, but are also hesitant to undergo LASIK because it isn’t covered by your health insurance plan? Would you be more likely to pursue high-quality, custom LASIK if you could pay for it without having to owe money to your credit card company or other third-party lender? If so, the seasoned eye care professionals of North County Laser Eye Associates has a potentially ideal solution to recommend to you: a Flexible Spending Account, or...Read More

Posted on August 10, 2014 By sitemanager in
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Schedule A Consultation
Here at North County Laser Eye Associates, we perform LASIK eye surgery and ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation) for patients in Carlsbad and throughout San Diego. In addition to LASIK eye surgery and ASA, we offer treatment for cataracts and glaucoma. If you would like to schedule a consultation, contact our Carlsbad office today.