BlephEx lash cam

15 01, 2021

BlephEx lash cam

Meet our latest technology: the BlephEx lash cam San Diego blepharitis treatment

Millions of people suffer from blepharitis. This is a condition in which there is irritation of the eyelids along the lash line. Patients may experience redness of this area, along with flaking and crusting of the skin along the lash line. It can affect people of any age, but it gets more common after the age of 50.

Blepharitis can be a serious nuisance that impacts quality of life for sufferers. Fortunately, there are...Read More

Posted on January 15, 2021 By sitemanager in
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Here at North County Laser Eye Associates, we perform LASIK eye surgery and ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation) for patients in Carlsbad and throughout San Diego. In addition to LASIK eye surgery and ASA, we offer treatment for cataracts and glaucoma. If you would like to schedule a consultation, contact our Carlsbad office today.